What is your definition of a bamma?
I feel like you basically covered most of the more general definitions. A bamma is simply someone who tries too hard to fit in. Someone who is out of touch with their culture and has no style or fashion sense. Bammas are usually fake and phony, and tend to boast about their selves to everyone they meet. By calling someone a Bamma, you are basically just calling them “wack”. A Bamma will never support another person’s hustle. Let’s see…ummm… Long jean shorts, baby-blue Southpole clothes, Fubu, over-sized dress shirts, white socks with dress shoes, big fake diamond watches, dirty scuffed white air forces just because they are air forces, but air forces were 2001, wearing jerseys in 2009, buying Jordan’s from Footaction but telling everyone they are “Exclusive”, constantly using the word “Swag”, compulsively lying to everyone they meet about their hookups, ETC. lol.
Who, in your opinion, is the posterchild of bammadom (aka the biggest bamma in the world)?
I can sit here and call a lot of people out, but you could consider me a Bamma if I did that, so i’m going to refrain from pointing any fingers. The sad part is that Bammas don’t even know that they are Bammas. Just know that we are bamma-free over here!